What will students experience in a competency-based school?
Below are a set of examples of experiences that every student should have in a well-developed personalized, competency-based system that was developed through a collaborative experience at CompetencyWorks in 2018.
1. I will be fully supported in developing academic knowledge and skills, the ability to apply what I have learned to solve real-world problems, and the capacities I need to become an independent and lifelong learner.
2. I feel safe and am willing to put forward my best effort to take on challenging knowledge and skills because I have a deep sense of belonging, feel that my culture, the culture of my community and my voice is valued, and see on a daily basis that everyone in the school is committed to my learning.
3. I will have opportunity and support to learn the skills that allow me take responsibility for my learning and exercise independence.
4. I have access to and full comprehension of learning targets and expectations of what proficiency means.
5. I have opportunity to learn anytime, anyplace, with flexibility to take more time when I need it to fully master or go deeper, and to pursue ways of learning and demonstrating my learning in ways that are relevant to my interest and future.
6. I am able to own my education by learning about things that matter to me in ways that are effective for me with the support that allows me to be successful.
7. I will receive timely feedback, instruction, and support based on where I am on the learner continuum and my social emotional development to make necessary progress on my personalized pathway to graduation.
8. My learning will be measured by progress on learning targets rather than level of participation, effort or time in the classroom.
9. Grades or scoring provide feedback to help me know what I need to do to improve my learning process and reach my learning goals.
10. I can advance to the next level or go deeper into topics that interest me as soon as I submit evidence of learning that demonstrates my proficiency.
This article was modified from the one originally published at CompetencyWorks in March 2018.