Welcome to LearningEdge!

by Chris Sturgis

Welcome to LearningEdge! As you can see it’s under construction.

I’ll be wrapping up CompetencyWorks on December 31st. And picking up here at LearningEdge January 1. It’s all a bit overwhelming, leaving a project I co-founded and launching independently. A bit like going over a huge rock in a river. (Yes indeed I was in that raft and screaming out of my mind.)

I’ll continue to write here at LearningEdge. However I’ll have a broader perspective. We just have to get past the hyphenated jargon and create more meaning about what these approaches mean for optimizing learning. We need to make knowledge about research-based approaches accessible to district and school leaders, educators, students and parents. We also have to figure out a way to integrate all these different strands of knowledge. It’s been helpful to have knowledge about personalized learning, knowledge about science of learning, knowledge about mastery learning, etc. Now its time to put it all together with more attention to the ‘how’ to produce effective implementation rather than the ‘what’ each term means. Thus, LearningEdge will be focusing on modernizing schools, taking what is great about the traditional system and leaving the rest behind.

I’ll be doing consulting, seminars (you can sign up for them in January), and hopefully continuing to support collaborative knowledge-generating strategies. I’ll be writing as I learn or whenever I discover super-great resources (check out the 3rd blog below).

A few of you have asked if you can publish your writing here. The answer is OF COURSE!

Be sure to check back in a few weeks to check out the SenseMaking section. I’ll have lots of FAQ’s with reflection questions and resources for you to use. And sign up in the bottom right corner if you want to stay in touch — in general, about LearningEdge, or if you have a project that you want to talk about!

3 responses to “Welcome to LearningEdge!

  1. Exciting to see your new space! Thank you also from the bottom of all of our hearts. You’ve been a brilliant connector, supporter, and generator . . . glad to see it will continue here.

  2. Hi Chris – excited for the new chapter in your life. So thrilled to be able to connect again at iNACOL 2018. Let’s keep in touch!

  3. Congratulations! What an exciting evolution. Your work has illuminated so much of the field, and we are deeply grateful. This seems like a timely pivot. We look forward to continuing to learn from and with you.

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