How the Research on Learning Can Drive Change

The closure of schools and colleges across the nation in response to the CORAVID-19 pandemic has shed a spotlight on one of America’s dirty secrets: many institutions of education and those that teach at them are not using the research on learning to guide instruction. The result is that instructional practices that were disengaging and/or unresponsive when used in a classroom are now downright dreadful when placed online…… Read More

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A Conversation on the Why, What, and How of Mastery Learning

The following is the presentation and facilitated activities at a Mastery Transcript Consortium meeting held on May 6, 2019

This is the beginning of a conversation about the why, what, and how of Mastery Learning. The activities are designed so that you can take them home to your school and your team…… Read More

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Laying the Groundwork: Shared Understanding of How Children Learn (Part 2)

What is your shared understanding of how children and adults learn that guides your school culture, design, instruction, and assessment?

I’ve been developing a series of virtual seminars (ready to go by February 1st if you are interested) to help teams in districts and schools expedite the process of understanding of what it means to modernize our education system…… Read More

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